
Deload Weeks: Considerations in a Long-Term Rehab Plan

Many clinicians face questions about managing fatigue and optimizing recovery during long-term rehab, especially after ACL injuries. One common question I field from student PTs during their clinical internships is whether “deload” weeks or days should be incorporated into a patient’s plan of care (POC). Here are my thoughts and considerations on this subject.  

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Saturday Morning Insights: Embrace the Growth Mindset

We’ve all been there. You’re going about your day when a know-it-all coworker offers you unsolicited advice. Or there’s the one person who asks a question at that CEU course simply to demonstrate how much they know. Shoot, I know I’ve been there. And I’ve probably inadvertently been that coworker once or twice. These close-minded individuals have a way of making others shut down when they’re in the room. The free flow of information and creativity is slowed to a drip or is non-existent. 

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