Here’s a 15 minute lecture on exercise prescription and progression. I’ll go into the three dials of exercise prescription and methods for progressing or regressing activity in your programming.
Read MoreDeload Weeks: Considerations in a Long-Term Rehab Plan
Many clinicians face questions about managing fatigue and optimizing recovery during long-term rehab, especially after ACL injuries. One common question I field from student PTs during their clinical internships is whether “deload” weeks or days should be incorporated into a patient’s plan of care (POC). Here are my thoughts and considerations on this subject.
Read MoreAvoid Burnout by Doing These 5 Things
Burnout happens. It’s something many of us will experience at times in a demanding, service-oriented profession like physical therapy, coaching,…
Read MoreTendinopathy: A Free Resource for Patient Education
Diagnoses like tendinopathy (tendinosis or tendinitis) can be difficult for patients to understand. Additionally, plenty of myths and misconceptions are out there and can confuse patients. Finding ways to provide adequate eduction, touch on key discussion points, and initiate an effective plan of care is key to a successful course of rehab.
Read MoreAcute to Chronic Workload: A Demonstration
Acute to chronic workloads are something I’ve used regularly in my clinical practice and my own personal running over the past few years. I find it to be a great tool to aid in programming, decision making, communicating progress in training, and relative risk of injury. I found this study to be helpful in understanding the ratio and its application.
Read MoreSaturday Morning Insights: The Benefits of Imposter Syndrome
In the book “Think Again” by Adam Grant, he points out that there can be benefits to “Imposter Syndrome”. Here are a few of my thoughts on this idea and what I’ve learned so far from “Think Again”.
Read MorePreparing for Lateral Locomotive Patterns and Change of Direction
While it is fairly well outlined when to initiate linear jogging post-injury/surgery, it is sometimes less clear for clinicians when to introduce other planes of motion with locomotives like lateral shuffling, cross over/under, and carioca. Not to mention when it may be a good idea to add in change of direction.
Read MoreSaturday Morning Insights: Embrace the Growth Mindset
We’ve all been there. You’re going about your day when a know-it-all coworker offers you unsolicited advice. Or there’s the one person who asks a question at that CEU course simply to demonstrate how much they know. Shoot, I know I’ve been there. And I’ve probably inadvertently been that coworker once or twice. These close-minded individuals have a way of making others shut down when they’re in the room. The free flow of information and creativity is slowed to a drip or is non-existent.
Read MoreSaturday Morning Insights: Work-Life Balance
Today, I want to share a quote from the Stoic Seneca. “It is not that we have a short time to live, but that we waste much of it.” I don’t mean to get too philosophical or have you reflect on your mortality this morning so let’s reflect on how we can optimize our time to enhance our professional and personal lives.
Read MoreSaturday Morning Insight: Are you letting the game come to you?
“Bloom’s point is that there are situations in life that require us to be conservative and let the game come to us. Likewise, there are situations that arise where we can craft up the perfect shot to win. I thought about his words for a bit and agreed that this framework can be applied to most things, including the rehab world.”
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