Here’s a 15 minute lecture on exercise prescription and progression. I’ll go into the three dials of exercise prescription and methods for progressing or regressing activity in your programming. If you want to learn more about this topic and other foundational concepts of sports rehab check out the Foundations of Sports Rehab course through R2P Academy!
Deload Weeks: Considerations in a Long-Term Rehab Plan
Many clinicians face questions about managing fatigue and optimizing recovery during long-term rehab, especially after ACL injuries. One common question I field from student PTs during their clinical internships is whether "deload" weeks or days should be incorporated into a patient's plan of care (POC). Here are my thoughts and considerations on this subject.
Read MoreAvoid Burnout by Doing These 5 Things
Burnout happens. It’s something many of us will experience at times in a demanding, service-oriented profession like physical therapy, coaching,…
Read MoreTendinopathy: A Free Resource for Patient Education
Diagnoses like tendinopathy (tendinosis or tendinitis) can be difficult for patients to understand. Additionally, plenty of myths and misconceptions are out there and can confuse patients. Finding ways to provide adequate eduction, touch on key discussion points, and initiate an effective plan of care is key to a successful course of rehab.
Read MoreSaturday Morning Insights: Embrace the Growth Mindset
We’ve all been there. You’re going about your day when a know-it-all coworker offers you unsolicited advice. Or there’s the one person who asks a question at that CEU course simply to demonstrate how much they know. Shoot, I know I’ve been there. And I’ve probably inadvertently been that coworker once or twice. These close-minded individuals have a way of making others shut down when they’re in the room. The free flow of information and creativity is slowed to a drip or is non-existent.
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