Tendinopathy: A Free Resource for Patient Education

man in black t shirt and black pants sitting on concrete bench

Diagnoses like tendinopathy (tendinosis or tendinitis) can be difficult for patients to understand. Additionally, plenty of myths and misconceptions are out there and can confuse patients. Finding ways to provide adequate eduction, touch on key discussion points, and initiate an effective plan of care is key to a successful course of rehab.

The pdf attached to this article contains key information that allows readers (patients, PT students, coaches, parents, etc.) to understand roughly 80% of tendinopathy using only 20% of the most important information. Clinicians should use this guide to ensure they hit on all relevant discussion points to aid their patient’s recovery.

Check out this FREE resource below!


Saturday Morning Insights: Embrace the Growth Mindset

We’ve all been there. You’re going about your day when a know-it-all coworker offers you unsolicited advice. Or there’s the one person who asks a question at that CEU course simply to demonstrate how much they know. Shoot, I know I’ve been there. And I’ve probably inadvertently been that coworker once or twice. These close-minded individuals have a way of making others shut down when they’re in the room. The free flow of information and creativity is slowed to a drip or is non-existent. 

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